Red and White Challenge
7 - 21 August 2023
We need your best photos, videos or artwork that showcase the Indonesian flag to help us share the importance of Sang Saka Merah Putih, in light of the upcoming 78th Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. There are so many ways in which we can celebrate and strengthen our identity despite being away from home. Visual storytelling has been a proven and effective approach of communicating ideas and channeling human creativity for millennia. The New Zealand Indonesia Association (NZIA) is one of the oldest cultural organizations in New Zealand, attempting to rally the Kiwis and Indonesian Diaspora in Aotearoa to honour Indonesia’s long and illustrious history as well as acknowledging the existing special bond between the two countries. Participate in our very first of many friendly online competitions for a chance to win amazing prizes! Your submission must feature the flag of Indonesia or anything that represents or resembles the flag (Bendera Merah Putih) and is required to be accompanied by a short description no more than 100 words.
Click here to read terms & conditions.
Join the challenge and have a chance to be one of the favourites and get a $100 Prezzy Gift Card!​

Apa kabar? Salam sehat semuanya!
Happy New Zealand Indonesian Language Month! New Zealand Indonesian Language Month -or Bulan Bahasa Indonesia- is really happening for the first time in New Zealand. This cultural event is a mutual initiative from Kiwi and Indonesian, aimed to increase Indonesian language learning in New Zealand, and seeks to cultivate the cultural and linguistic knowledge interest between Indonesia and New Zealand by delivering fun and practical initiatives that assist Kiwis to learn Bahasa Indonesia.
During the month of October, we will experience fun educational activities in four different cities in New Zealand: Auckland, Wellington, Palmerton North and Queenstown. Come check out these awesome initiatives and contact your Indonesian community to be part of it.
Watch this space for more info!

30 July 2021
Movie Night | Aruna & her palate
6 -8 PM at the Indonesian Embassy
An epidemiologist tried to satisfy her obsession with food when she was assigned to investigate a bird flu case. The movie will bring you to particular places in Indonesia with its unique menu.
14 August 2021
Quiz night: Indonesia Independence Day edition
NZIA invites you to a dinner and a quiz evening on Saturday 14 August at the new Indonesian Restaurant “Seroja” at Clyde Quay Wharf. We get together at 6 pm for dinner starting at 6:30 pm. That will be followed by a quiz evening where you will be tested on your knowledge of Indonesia, so you had better start brushing that up if you want to win a prize.
The dinner will consist of a “Rijsttafel”, a Dutch word for a very elaborate Indonesian meal of some 12 dishes. It is being described as “The ultimate culinary adventure with up to 12 dishes, all served together on candle powered heaters, with steamed white rice, 4 condiments and crackers [krupuk]”.
The cost of the dinner will be $35 p.p., which is a specially reduced price for NZIA members.
Your Executive Committee has already enjoyed a very delicious lunch [at our own expense!!], served by the very friendly staff of Seroja. The Rijsttafel will be prepared by the manager of Seroja, Mr Riza Ambadar, who also manages the Restaurant Indonesia in Napier. This may be well-known to some of you.
Parking is very easy at Seroja with a special parking area in front of the restaurant at Clyde Quay Wharf. The building used to be the overseas terminal. No stairs to climb!
We look forward to welcoming you to this special dinner and quiz evening. It will be a lot of fun and good company.