Acerca de
1. To promote friendship between the people of Indonesia and the people of New Zealand.
2. To promote better understanding of the people of Indonesia by the people of New Zealand.
1. Membership is open to all persons who support the aims of the association.
1. Subject to his/her agreement, the patron of the Association shall be the head of the Indonesian Mission to New Zealand.
1. The officers of the Association shall be honorary and shall comprise a President, up to two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
1. Subject to the control of a general meeting of members, the direction and management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in a Committee.
2. The committee shall comprise not more than nine persons plus the officers in Clause 4.
3. The officers and committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual general Meeting of the Association and shall be eligible for re-election.
4. All members of the Association shall be eligible for election as officers or committee members.
5. The committee may fill vacancies during the term of its office.
6. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the committee.
Annual General Meeting
1. An Annual General Meeting of members shall be held as soon as possible after the first of February in each year. The quorum at such annual meeting shall be 10 financial members. At each meeting there shall be submitted by the president an Annual Report, and by the Treasurer a statement of accounts of the association, for the year ended 31st December prior to the meeting.
2. The Annual General Meeting shall be summoned by a written notice to each member setting out the nature of business proposed to be transacted at such meeting. Such notice shall be sent by post or delivered to each member at least seven days before the date of such meeting.
Subscription Fee
1. The annual subscription fee for membership shall be determined at the AGM and shall be payable by the 31st March each year.
General Meeting
1. A general meeting may be called at any time by a requisition in writing signed by at least ten members and setting out the purpose for which such a meeting is desired. Such requisition shall be sent or delivered to the secretary. The committee shall within seven days of receipt of such requisition by the secretary cause a general meeting to be called for a date not later than twenty one days after the receipt of the requisition.
2. The committee may also convene a general meeting of members. At least seven days’ notice of such meeting shall be given to members and the reason for the meeting indicated.
Life Membership
1. Members who have given special service to the association over many years may be elected Life Members. This shall be a decision at an Annual General meeting on the proposal of any member of the committee. A life member is entitled to all the privileges of membership of the association without payment of the annual subscription fee.
Revision of the Constitution
1. The constitution may be amended or altered by a simple majority of financial members present at a general meeting at any time, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment or alternation has been given to all members at least fourteen days before the day of the meeting.
2. No changes made to the clauses of this Constitution shall detract from the non-profit status of the Association.
Distribution of Funds
1. No funds or profits shall accrue to, or be distributed to any member of the association.
Winding up
1. Upon winding up all surplus assets or funds of the Association shall be distributed to non-profit organisations only.